Study on the factors affecting the viscosity of the gel product from karaya gum (STERCULIA FOETIDA) added with buffalo leaf extract (CASSIA ALATA L.)
Gel, Karaya Gum, Viscosity, Cassia alata L, LaxativeAbstract
Currently, in the market, Karaya Gum is mainly sold in raw form or added to diluted beverages, while research on gel-based products with higher viscosity from this material has not published yet. In addition, Karaya Gum is also known as a laxative. Therefore, in order to create a new product from Karaya Gum, which effectively supports the treatment of constipation, diversifies the food market and brings economic benefits to farmers, the authors conducted a study on factors affecting the viscosity of the gel product from Karaya Gum added with buffalo leaf extract, researched on the percentage of saccharose sugar added into the product, and evaluated the quality of the product. The gelation by polysaccharides is affected by many factors, the most important of which are polysaccharide concentration, pH, temperature and heat treatment time. The results of the study reveal that the Karaya Gum/water ratio, treated at 100oC for 20 minutes, was 1/85 (w/v), saccharose sugar proportion was 10gram per 100ml of Karaya Gum gel, and that the product met microbiological criteria and got a good quality score.
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