Dear Research Scholars/Professors/Postgraduate Students
Journal of Science of Lac Hong University (JSLHU) is a multidisciplinary academic journal that quarterly publishes scientific articles in both Vietnamese and English including original research articles and review articles in all areas of Economics, Science and Technology, Chemistry-Pharmacy, Information technology and Social Sciences.
We cordially invite authors to submit original papers in English for publishing in 2025 in the JSLHU with print version ISSN: 2525 – 2186. Every article published in print or online version LHUJS is provided with a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and connected to the following international databases: BASE, Crossref, DOAJ, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, WorldCat.
The manuscripts should be formatted according to JSLHU template and submitted to the journal for the peer-review process via the online submission system: Submissions are accepted all year round.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail at
Best regards